Great crested grebe

The great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus) is a member of the grebe family of water birds noted for its elaborate mating display. Its scientific name comes from Latin: the genus name Podiceps is from podicis, "vent" and pes, "foot", and is a reference to the placement of a grebe's legs towards the rear of its body; the species name, cristatus, means "crested".

Scientific Name : Podiceps cristatus

Family : Podicipedidae

Order : Podicipediformes

Class : Aves

Type : Grebes

Conservation Status : Least concern (LC)

Size : 46 – 51

Compare Size : Kite -

Wingspan : 59 – 73

Weight : 900 - 1500

Migratory : Migrant

Sex Alike : Yes

freshwater lakes and reservoirs

fish, but also small crustaceans, insects small frogs and newts

Identification Features

Male & Female
Head white with a thick dark-grey line fom base of the bill to eye; In breeding plumage black on the back side; In non-breeding plumage grey on the back side
Throat white
Auriculars or Ear Patches or ear coverts In breeding plumage has tufts inner ones are brown in colour and outer ones black; In Non-Bredding pluage greyish-brown
Crest In breeding plumage black; In non-breeding pluage dark-grey
Nape In breeding plumage dark-grey plumage extending to sides of neck; In non-breeding plumage grey
Bill In breeding plumage grey but has slight pink shade in it; In non-breeding plumage pink

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