Vangas, helmetshrikes, woodshrikes, and shrike-flycatchers
Swallows And Martins
Pheasants And Allies
Birds Descriptive Parts
Lores : The lores are the areas of a bird's face on either side from the base of the bill to the front of the eyes. The lores do not extend further up or down than the width of the bill base.
Crown : The portion of a bird's head found between the forehead—demarcated by an imaginary line drawn from the anterior corners of the eyes—and through the "remainder of the upper part of the head", to the superciliary line. The occiput or hindhead, is the posterior part of the crown.
Ear-Coverts : Small covert feathers located behind a bird's eye, in one to four rows, which cover the ear opening (bird ears have no external features) and may aid in the acuity of bird hearing.