Yellow-Eyed Babbler

The yellow-eyed babbler (Chrysomma sinense) is a passerine bird species found in groups in open grass and scrub in south Asia. The common name refers to its traditional placement in the Old World babbler family Timaliidae although the genus Chrysomma forms a clade along with the parrotbills and Sylvia warblers within the family Sylviidae.

Scientific Name : Chrysomma Sinense

Family : Sylviidae

Order : Passeriformes

Class : Aves

Type : Old World Warblers

Conservation Status : Least concern (LC)

Size : 18-23 cm

Compare Size : Bulbul -

Wingspan : NA

Weight : 20-24 g

Migratory : Resident

Sex Alike : Yes

Nesting Season : June - September

Other Names :

Hindi : बारा पोंडा/ पिड्डा

Marathi : चिपका, पिवळ्या डोळ्याचा सातभाई

Grassy or Thorny scrub both in dry and wet regions, Farmland

Eggs - 4 or 5, Yellowish white finely speckled with purplish brown.

Insects, Berries, Nectar

Identification Features

Male & Female
Bill black; short
Tail long graduated, central tail feathers are about twice as long as the outermost
Upperparts brown
Wing cinnamon
Lores white
Supercilium or eyebrow white
Orbital ring orange-yellow
Underparts whitish-buff
Throat white
Head brown except lores
Nape brown