Cattle egret

The cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) is a cosmopolitan species of heron (family Ardeidae) found in the tropics, subtropics and warm temperate zones. It is the only member of the monotypic genus Bubulcus, although some authorities regard two of its subspecies as full species, the western cattle egret and the eastern cattle egret. Despite the similarities in plumage to the egrets of the genus Egretta, it is more closely related to the herons of Ardea. Originally native to parts of Asia, Africa and Europe, it has undergone a rapid expansion in its distribution and successfully colonised much of the rest of the world in the last century.

Scientific Name : Bubulcus ibis

Family : Ardeidae

Order : Pelecaniformes

Class : Aves

Type : Bitterns, Herons And Egrets

Conservation Status : Least concern (LC)

Size : 46 - 56 cm

Compare Size : Hen +-

Wingspan : 88 - 96 cm

Weight : 270 - 512 g

Migratory : Resident Migrant

Sex Alike : Yes

Nesting Season : June - August (North), November - March (South)

Other Names :

Hindi : सुराखिया

Marathi : गायबगळा, ढोर बगळा

Coastal barrier islands, Marshes, Reservoirs, Lakes, Quarries, Swamps, Riverside Woodlands, and Upland forests

Eggs - 3 - 5, pale skim-milk blue

Insects, Grasshoppers, Crickets, Flies (adults and maggots), Moths, Spiders, Frogs, and Earthworms

Identification Features

Male & Female
Neck In breeding plumage - orange-buff but has variable white in front (throat area). In Non-breeding plumage - white
Head In breeding plumage - orange-buff but variable white near base of bill. In Non-breeding plumage - white
Bill yellow
Lores yellow
Eyes yellow
Back In breeding plumage - orange-buff. In Non-breeding plumage - white
Note :
hunched posture and relatively short thick neck and a sturdy bill comparedd to other egrets



Date Location
2019-01-12 12 Jan 2019 Bird Watching Area, Bhandup West, Mumbai, Maharashtra

Similar Birds

(Bitterns, Herons And Egrets)