
The bird family Charadriidae includes the plovers, dotterels, and lapwings, about 64 to 66 species in all. The family Charadriidae was introduced by the English zoologist William Elford Leach in a guide to the contents of the British Museum published in 1820. Most members of the family are known as plovers, lapwings or dotterels. These were rather vague terms which were not applied with any great consistency in the past. In general, larger species have often been called lapwings, smaller species plovers or dotterels and there are in fact two clear taxonomic sub-groups: most lapwings belong to the subfamily Vanellinae, most plovers and dotterels to Charadriinae.

Red-wattled lapwing

(Vanellus Indicus)

Asian Lapwing, Large Plover

टिटवी, ताम्रमुखी टिटवी

टिटहरी, तितीरी

Greater Sand Plover

(Anarhynchus leschenaultii)

Little Ringed Plover

(Charadrius Dubius)

छोटा कंठेरी चिखल्या

ज़िर्री, झिरिआ, मर्वा

White-Tailed lapwing

(Vanellus Leucurus)

White-Tailed Plover

पांढऱ्या शेपटीची टिटवी

सफेद दुम तितिहारी

Lesser Sand Plover

(Charadrius Mongolus)

Siberian Sand Plover

छोटा चिखल्या, रेती चिखल्या