Greylag Goose

The greylag goose (Anser anser) is a species of large goose in the waterfowl family Anatidae and the type species of the genus Anser. It has mottled and barred grey and white plumage and an orange beak and pink legs. A large bird, it measures between 74 and 91 centimetres (29 and 36 in) in length, with an average weight of 3.3 kilograms (7.3 lb). Its distribution is widespread, with birds from the north of its range in Europe and Asia migrating southwards to spend the winter in warmer places. It is the type species of the genus Anser and is the ancestor of the domestic goose, having been domesticated at least as early as 1360 BC. The genus name is from anser, the Latin for goose

Scientific Name : Anser Anser

Family : Anatidae

Order : Anseriformes

Class : Aves

Type : Ducks, Geese And Swans

Conservation Status : Least concern (LC)

Size : 74 - 91 cm

Compare Size : Kite +

Wingspan : 147 - 180 cm

Weight : 3300 g

Migratory : Migrant

Sex Alike : Yes

Nesting Season : Spring

Other Names :

English : Graylag Goose

Hindi : सोना

Marathi : श्याम कादंब

semi-aquatic habitats, estuaries, marshes and flooded fields

Eggs - 4 to 6

grass and often consuming agricultural crops

Identification Features

Male & Female
Neck thick and long
Legs pink
toes pink
Bill orange or pink; large
Upper mandible has white or brown tip
Head darker greyish-brown
Neck neck may have a striated pattern
Breast pale-brown with a variable amount of black spotting
Belly pale-brown with a variable amount of black spotting
Rump pale-grey
Flanks white line bordering its upper flanks
Wing wings have a striped appearance; wing coverts are light coloured, contrasting with its darker flight feathers
Note :
overall greyish-brown plumage; Males are generally larger than females


Date Location
2019-01-31 31 Jan 2019 Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary, Rajasthan

Similar Birds

(Ducks, Geese And Swans)